Professionals Working for Your Success!

Audio and Services for the Broadcast Industry



About Admagination Creative Services for Broadcast Marketing

At Admagination, we have been creating award winning commercial jingles for clients using broadcast medium as a major tool in their marketing and product / service branding.

This is just a small example of the over 700 custom jingle packages we have created for clients just like you!

Our music is always fresh and demographically targeted, our vocals are crystal clear with every word being understood and our packages are complete with everything you need to launch a successful advertising campaign.

Remember: "If you want to be heard...say it!  If you want to be remembered...sing it!"

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Audio for Broadcast Advertising and Much, Much More!

We Have Developed A Long List Of Services We Offer Our Clients.  Check All The Creative Products And Services We Provide!
Jingle Production

Our packages are affordable, custom productions designed to fit with whatever project comes to us. We are constantly creating great package deals that help broadcasters gain new clients and get more air buys from existing clients

Station ID Packages

Station ID packages are a very important part of a station creating a lasting identity and branding in the market they service.

Custom Songs & Scoring

An element to your event that no one else offers is a custom song or show to brand the purpose and be the single most motivating and marketing tool you can have...think about it! Your own song!

Digital Editing

From dance, to cheer, to large event fireworks, to dressage freestyle music, Admagination seamlessly edits music in a MUSICAL way!

Broadcast Services / Best In Media

We service the broadcast industry with Best in Media...providing our affordable, secure and fast awards system for the broadcasters and beyond!

Live Show Production

Admagination live events have helped corporations, festivals, product release and concerts to put on a great show. Creative, audio, video, lighting and management come together for our clients

  • Jingle Production
  • Station ID Packages
  • Custom Songs & Scoring
  • Digital Editing
  • Broadcast Services / Best In Media
  • Live Show Production


Meet Our Creative and Production Staff

These are the ones who "cut through all the clutter"

About the moment

About The JD Chicago

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  • icon Company Benchmarks
  • icon Audio for Broadcasting
  • icon How We've Done!


Company Benchmarks Since 1994

Since 1994, we have been creating products and services for clients that have expanded our skill set with amazing results.

Our goal has always been "whatever powers up the studio" everyday! Jingles, audio for broadcasting, custom songs, advanced digital editing, educational content...we've taken on anything that combines our creative imagination with a great studio.

Stand Out Achivements:

  • 700+ Jingle Packages
  • Boise Millennium Show
  • Zambelli Fireworks Audio
  • Award Winning Kids Show
  • G.W. Bush Inaugural Theme Song

Awards & Honors:

  • IFEA Gold Award: "Best Show"
  • Skynews: Best Millennium City Celebration
  • FEI Winning Freestyle Edit
  • NAB "Best Commercial" 2007
  • Billboard Songwriting Award (8)


Being Creative Every Day

Having choosen the business model of custom jingle production, we have taken the road least traveled. Most companies crank out "needle drop" inventory then go around and pitch a package with a clients name and maybe slogan sung at the end.

We love jingles too much to make it a volume sale type job. Every day is a new client, a new "song" and a new opportunity to be originally creative!


Jingle Clients


Active Markets


Air Plays 2014

Successful Feedback

We constantly get feedback from our individual clients on how their sales have increased. To get this type of feedback from a broadcast group is a real home run!

Dear Tom & Nancy Excellent work! As I said on the phone, you have hit the ball over the fence! In all respects, this package is perfect! I have been in this business for over 20 years and I have heard every jingle / station ID package there is. You have placed yourselves on the top shelf with the best available. Terry Tario, GM, KEZJ

quotes-image Terry Tario

This is just a short note to tell you how much we appreciate your visit and presentations for our sales staff and clients at MIXX 96.1 We secured contracts for 7 new clients that amounts to over 100K in sales as a result of your efforts. That is unheard of in the history of KXXO! I'm sure we'll have many profitable days ahead working together as a team with Admagination Studios. Brian Butler, GM. Mixx 96.1

quotes-image Brian Butler

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