MusicEduOnline / MEO
Structure and Pricing

MusicEdOnline pricing is a game-changer in music education! We go from topic rentals for $1.99 to a monthly subscription price of $19.99 and a complete turnkey academic LMS priced at $59.99 per month for a teacher / administrator seat and added student seats at $9.99 each. Affordable, scalable and powerful for any style of user!
TOPIC RENTAL: One topic rental- 24 hours. Select any topic, from any course or module. No Subscription commitment. Includes instructor tutorial, main canvas containing topic content, link bar w/ one topic doc and worksheet, FAQ in service bar.
PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTION: Access to ALL topics- one month or one year subscription. Includes instructor tutorial, main canvas containing topic content, link bar w/ multiple topic docs and worksheets, Wikipedia link, topic related/approved YouTube videos, etc. plus a FULL service bar w/ FAQs, live chat, access to our forum and "Team Viewer" collaborative project sharing!
ACADEMIC SUBSCRIPTION: Access to ALL topics- one month or one year subscription. Includes all of the features of the professional subscription, PLUS our Scorm-compliant LMS. The Teacher/Admin controls what topics students have access to for custom designing courses of study, the LMS helps with tracking of student activity, server-side grading and testing, on demand reports, email notifications, payment tracking and invoicing, parental dashboard and provides a topic request box too.