Welcome to the Jingle Production Service for Contractor 20 / 20

Welcome to Admagination, the full service audio for broadcasting production company for Contractor 20 / 20 clients.  Mike and his team strive to provide the best service at an affordable price backed by the expertise and science that is the foundation of his business.

You have many options when it comes to leveraging the most from your marketing dollar and Contractor 20 / 20 knows how to assemble the right package to help make your company a household brand in your market.

Advertising is not a sledghammer...it's a light fog that constantly envelops the market you service, reminding your clients that you are the right choice.  One of the most affordable tools you can have in your marketing toolbox is a custom jingle.  It helps to create "remember-ability" of you name long after the 60 seconds of airtime you bought.  It speeds up the process of getting new deals and products in front of your client because you don't have to re-invent the package each time.  Most important, if you really want to prove to yourself the power of setting words to music to make it memorable..."sing your ABC's!"

So enjoy the process!  If fun, it's easy and the results will grow and grow.  

What Your New Jingle Music Should Do!

The music that is used to help brand you company is a hard choice.  It's very subjective.  But there is a science to the choice and some do's and don'ts

  • Don't think your personal favorite artist or song is the right artist or song.  You are the craftsman, your customer is the target.  We help you pick music that attracts your customer
  • Do enjoy the music you want to use.  It needs to make you feel good.  Just like buying a new service truck or custom t-shirts...the music represents you also.
  • Try to avoid the temptation of having us sing your phone number unless it has a catchy "ring" to it (haha)  But seriously, we have almost never had someone sitting there with pencil and paper and write a number down unless we can link it to the rest of the singing.  Our business number is 208-286-SONG...but even then we would want to set it up like "don't take to long to dial 286-SONG".  Let the voiceover handle the phone number.
  • Do go with your gut.  First reactions are vital
  • Don't play it for a friend or family member by going "what do you think of this?".  Human nature is to not like something at first.  Set them up.  Tell them why you have chosen this particular production.
  • A jingles uses mnemonics (tools and tricks to help you remember things).  Many elements in a good jingle are mnemonics.  Rhymes, vocal style, musical orchestrations, melody, punchy endings are just some of the tools.
  • In todays "instant, remote" attention span, a full sing jingle (no talking, just singing) is an instant turn-off.  As soon as the listener realizes they've been duped into listening to an ad and not the latest hit song...they flip through the channels

A couple other things to remember is now that you have a consistant tool for brnading, changing and upgrading your campaign for different offers, sales, services, etc., is now super easy because your AE knows how to format your production.

The typical length of time you should expect a package to run is 2 years...but we have several clients that have run the same package for several years at 24,000 plays per year.  Guess what?  Everybody knows their name.!

With all the proliferation of technology based broadcasting, there is still one sure bet...free, over the air radio and TV. Radio Rocks when it comes to getting your message out.  Here's a little video about the power of radio


Jingle Library: Getting You Moving Forward

We have organized dozens of demo music tracks that you can chose from or use as a reference for a style / sound that you like.  They are grouped by basic music terms and each track has a voiceover telling you the track number.  Once you have found a track or tracks that interest you, refer to Terms and Conditions for payment options, order form and what to expect once you have chosen a music production.

Genre: World Music

Genre: Pop

Genre: Pop 2

Genre: Rock

Genre: More Rock

Genre: Acoustic

Genre: More Acoustic

Genre: Adult Contemporary

Genre: Adult Contemporary 2

Genre: Urban

Genre: More Urban

Genre: Pot Luck...anything goes!

Branded Productions:  These tracks actually have vocals that are generic yet create a message that can fit many customers


Terms, Conditions and Pricing

Terms and Conditions:

  1. All final production packages are the property of the customer.  These are buy-out packages with no on-going usage fees
  2. Package can only be used in the market(s) originally produced for.  If the customer expands their business into a different market, there is a one-time new market fee of $250 (does not include any adjustment to the production to fit the new market.  That can be contracted on an hourly basis)
  3. There is no time limit on how long the package may be used.  We typically recommend 2 years
  4. No part of the package (specifically non-branded music tracks) may be resold by the customer

Pricing:  A complete package contains several versions of the customers production.  Different lengths and singing segments for radio and TV from 5 seconds to 60 seconds.  Cost of package: $1695

Invoicing:  The customer will be invoiced in three different segments:

  • Deposit: $565  Due once a customer has chosen a track or musical style prior to production time scheduling.  THIS DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE ONCE STUDIO AND TALENT TIME HAS BOOKED.  TYPICALLY 1 BUSINESS DAY
  • Acceptance: $565  Admagination will deliver a demo version of the music with vocal within 5-7 business days from receipt of the deposit.  We will notify the customer if anything in our schedule would prevent us from meeting this timeline PRIOR to taking a deposit.  Client must review the demo and communicate any changes in a timely manner.
  • Delivery: $565  Final package will be ready for delivery within 3 business days of acceptance.  The final payment will make all tracks available on a special page of our website at HD broadcast quality for download by your media partner.  Admagination will deliver within 10 business days 2 audio CD's containing all the tracks to the customer for archiving.  Client files will remain accessible on our server for 1 year.  We will keep all original tracks here at our facilities indefinitely.

Questionnaire Form
