MusicEduOnline / MEO
Welcome to MEO: MusicEdOnline!
MusicEdOnline is different from a traditional course of study, AND it's different from other online studies. It's not the same as a "lesson". It certainly is not a lengthy seminar. It's one, or many, 5-7 minute topic(s)...with added tools. Each topic is chock full of music education that our "Adjunct Contributors", senior developers and staff have acquired over their professional careers- all presented in a cohesive, progressive manner.
CTMS provides many features to the online student. These features include, but are not limited to:
- Mixed-Media Dashboard®
- Faculty and Adjunct Contributors are recognized professionals in many areas of music and technology (see article in the links below)
Links Bar®, Service Bar®:
Chat rooms
Screen sharing
File management
- SCORM compliant LMS (academic subscription only) (see article below in the links area)
- 1000's of online resources including: topic documents, worksheets, Wiki's, YouTube videos and other web based resources...all organized for you and your topic
- Screen Share tech support (TeamViewer)
- In article file uploader! The easiest way to share files.
- Live MasterClass webinars, performances and concert streaming (LiveStream)
On-line System
There are numerous ways to get varying levels of music education on-line. The internet has touched all of us and made information sharing "instant". But it also allows anyone to post whatever they want. Why wander around the sea of mediocrity, when MusicEdOnline makes sure everything you learn from has been vetted, and is correct and current information that is viable in today's music environment?
At the MusicEdOnline, we deliver to you the most affordable, cohesive, educational product on the market, wrapped up in a massively powerful Mixed-Media Dashboard® and tied together with our common terminology and inter-related workflow. We are educators and syllabus developers as well as professional musicians, bringing our vast experience to the table for you!
Structure and Pricing