Integrity Comfort Solutions Client Page

Category | Element |
Production Name | TBD |
Format | 60 Sec. Sing in / Donut for voice over / Sing Out |
Style | Pop (reference banking and CH 2 as per Rich) |
Time Format: | TBD |
Project Milestones | Demo 1 projected Monday, November 10th DEPOSIT RECEIVED |
-New- 11 / 10 / 14 | Demo 30 uploaded and in the player below |
-New- 11 / 20 / 14 | Demo March Cool, Demo March Straight, Updated Pop |
-Project Delivery / Demos | Phase 2 of project completion. Proof of delivery |
Please preview your new production demo on a decent sound system in a controlled listening environment with no interruptions. Note: This demo is 30 seconds long with the bugle theme intro and the slogan and title sung at the end. This version is for demo purposes only. Your package will contain several different versions: 60's, 30's, a :05 second "bumper" and an on-hold 4 minute loop
November 25th, 2014. Update. We have created by authorization from Rich, to upgrade the package to include both an annual jingle as well as the seasonal "march" production.
- Both productions have: phone number, slogan and title as per Richard's request
- Slogan: "We guarantee service you deserve, from people you can trust" (Updated using Mike suggestion)
- Phone Number: 844-427-COOL
- Title: Integrity Comfort Solutions
Annual Production Demo
- The demographics of customers and the local area suggests a strong female 30-45 year old buyer of ICS services and products
- In Demo 1, we used a pop / shuffle feel music bed that has more complex harmonies, making it more appealing to the more sophisticated college professional. Note: This has been updated with cleaner vocals
- In Demo 2, as requested by the client, we started off the jingle with a "bugle" call playing the sports oriented "Reveille" theme. This is due to the fact that Texas A&M is located near by.
- In Demo 3, we created a straight march version that has a whistle roll off as very typical of the start of a field marching band.
The Dirty Little Secret™
- Seeing that the demos for the area where there are shops is in the vicinity of a major college, the use of a marching type production was not only requested by the client, but was an obvious fit.
- The "Cool" version embraces the new phone number. It's a cool march track
- The "straight march" version has a great drum line beat that is very vogue in marching band ensembles
Media Versions:
All tracks are high resolution mp3 files, typically at 256kbps / 44.1 / 16 bit / stereo DC offsets removed. They are within 1 second of time stamp and have a light broadcast compression on them
Depending on your browser, you should be able to either left click and have them play and download, or right click and "Save Target As". Please contact Tom at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 208-286-7664 if you have any questions, access issues or would like a different edit version. All redo demos versions are included in price.