Jingles: Music Sells Everything!
Jingle Packages...minute symphonies...singing ad's. A bit of history: It all started on Christmas Eve 1926 in Minneapolis / St. Paul when 4 male singers stepped up to a live mic and sang:
Have you tried Wheaties?
They’re whole wheat with all of the bran.
Won’t you try Wheaties?
For wheat is the best food of man.
They’re crispy and crunchy
The whole year through,
The kiddies never tire of them
and neither will you.
So just try Wheaties,
The best breakfast food in the land.
From that point on it was known that a jingle could get a brand’s name embedded in the heads of potential customers. Once this jingle aired, 30,000 of the 53,000 cases of the General Mills Product (which was about to be dropped) were sold in the Twin Cities market! Jingles never looked back!
If you want the best test of how music embeds a thought into our consciousness...sing your ABC's