
"Que Pena" is an original instrumental from Toto Zara's 7th album "Antillano" which features salsa, bolero, cumbia and other styles he wrote durng his tours of his home country of Spain, France (the Latin Quarter) Brazil and New York.  Toto was the youngest of several siblings that became a popular european family group called "Zara"

Toto's father (family name Zaratiegui) founded a nation school of the arts in Tafallia, Spain which today still stand in the town square as a historical landmark. At the age of 8,  Toto was featured guitarist and flamingo-dancer during public concerts by noted French composer Gilbert Becaud.

"Que Pena" with audio and score by Tom Frazee.  Recorded at Admagination Studios using Sonar Platinum, WAVES Diamond bundle, East / West Sounds as well as other top VST instruments and effects plug ins. Additional performers: Tom Frazee on Trombone, Mikel Bartal on Trumpet and Alfredo Yuno on Flute.

"Que Pena"

PDF of Score, click here

Animated Score with section highlights for demonstration and teaching