
Technology: Audio Basics

Digital Audio:  Taking the soundwave and turning into numbers. Once it's numbers...then you can apply math.  When you can apply math, now the computer can do almost anything with it.  In the 1930's, the theroem was the beginning.  In 1979, Atari came out with the first "beep"  The SID chip.

Technology: Build a Computer...Cheap

Want to break into using a computer for making music?  Maybe your own album?  Mash-up dance loops?  First, it's important to know, the computer never TOUCHES YOUR ACTUAL AUDIO!  It's the audio inteface that does the heavy lifting.  The computer just applies math.  So Mac or PC...its what your used to.  But what PC has over Mac is parts...tons and tons of cheap new or free used parts.  As long as you don't expect to open a recording studio for film producers, we can teach you how to build one from free to a couple hundred bucks.  It's all about optimizing the operating system and keeping it clean!  



Technology: MIDI Basics

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MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is the language that all digital instruments use to communicate.  It was a standard all manufactures adopted by the late 70's in order to remain competative.  It's a very simple, light-weight form of digital talking, but has not yet realized it's power to the fullest potential.  Learn how to use the basics of it's power!


Technology: Audio Tricks

Digital Audio Tricks, Tips and All Around Cool Stuff.  There is nothing more exciting than a great performance captured on "tape".  You just took a moment in time and made it a legacy.  When they first created reel to reel pro decks in the studios of the mid 20th century, there was tremendous opposition to the ability to "punch in" and record a new short phrase over a "not-so-well-performed track.  That's a standard practice.

There is a big difference between being a producer that makes "kings and queens of auto tune" verses one who uses technology to explore creative directions.  It's about options.  Sometimes it's about fixing...sometimes it's about search and rescue.  It's cool to have the options and not use them, then to end a session with useless recordings.




Ear Training: Relative Pitch

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"What would you do if I sang out of tune would you stand up and walk out on me"?  No, I'd call and get a little help from my friends at "The Cool Tool Music School".  

Relative pitch is not perfect pitch.  You need to hear a key center to relate all 12 notes to.  Teaching interval relationships is only as good as the starting note.  If you sing a major 3rd up from an already out of tune've built a house on quicksand!

Relative pitch is the only way to assure being in tune and keeping the integrity of the key and how a melody functions (tension / resolve) as a melody!

Singing harmonies, singing difficult melodies, transcribing solos and harmonies, naming a note played on the piano without looking at the keyboard (party game!)