
AC File Upload Agreement

Adjunct Contributor File Upload Agreement:

Please read this carefully:

  1. By uploading videos, documents, images and audio to the Cool Tool Music School (CTMS) you understand that all intellectual property included in your file remains your property.
  2. The AC tutorial video footage (raw) is the property of CTMS and cannot appear on any publicly accessible website, social media, educational server.
  3. You agree that your file does not contain any copy written material that is not your property.
  4. Once your topic has been edited into a CTMS Mixed Media Dashboard, the production in it's entirety, is the property of CTMS.  Duplication and / or distribution in any other forum is strictly prohibitive.
  5. Downloading, copying, "ripping" of any streaming media is not allowed.  CTMS Mixed Media Dashboard productions are formatted using a specific technology that does not embed support documents and links in any tutorial that has been ripped, screen captured, torrented or in any way duplicated.

It is the intent of CTMS to distribute information in a manner that is:

...and provides a revenue source as contracted for the AC

Once you read this agreement, please return to the uploading page, click the agree "checkbox and continue contributing to the next generation of music education on-line.  At CTMS, we are "The Future of Music Education...Today™"